Update: I am currently looking for a summer internship related to robotics and Vision-Language-Action (VLA) models. Here is my resumé.
I am a Robotics PhD student at Georgia Tech in the Robotics Perception and Learning (RIPL) Lab, advised by Dr. Zsolt Kira. My current research thrust involves using computer vision techniques for robot learning.
In the summer of 2023 I was an intern at Honda Research Institute working on deep learning-based dexterous manipulation under Jinda Cui and Soshi Iba.
During my bachelor’s degree, I was an undergraduate research assistant in the Human Centered Robotics Lab where I had the pleasure of working with Dr. Luis Sentis and Dr. Gray Thomas. I spent my summers interning at SpaceX, Harmonic Bionics, and NASA JPL. Additionally, I spent a large amount of time co-founding and leading Longhorn Racing Electric.
I also enjoy hiking, running, and rock climbing.
Check out the new VR teleoperated setup I put together:
PhD in Robotics, Dec 2025 (expected)
Georgia Institute of Technology
MS in Computer Science, 2022
Georgia Institute of Technology
BS in Mechanical Engineering, Highest Honors, 2019
The University of Texas at Austin