In this project, we survey a variety of reinforcement learning (RL) techniques and study them in the context of dynamical systems; specifically, we address the cart-pole problem. In general, RL algorithms achieve their goal by observing a system’s state and executing an action based on the expected reward given by the environment. We perform a review of RL literature highlighting existing approaches. For brevity, we limit our survey to literature relevant to dynamical systems. Furthermore, we implement a series of RL algorithms using the OpenAI’s Gym [1] and Pytorch [2]. Specifically, we implement 1) a basic algorithm countering pole motion, 2) policy gradient utilizing a two-layer neural network, 3) deep Q-learning backed by a three-layer neural network, and 4) model predictive control (MPC). To conclude, we compare the individual performance of the the RL techniques against the results of the MPC.